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Marieles Dinner - Funny Dog eats elegant at table - Le dîner de Mariele -

7,500 Weergaven

Mariele, the German Shorthaired Pointer is the top model of She likes to eat in high-class places. This little show took place in summer 2013. Mariele is sitting at the table and is looking forward to getting served. It took just a few training lessons for Mariele to get used to the situation because there is nothing further to do for her as to sit quite comfortable on a cushion and wait patiently for the food to come. Mariele is 12 years old and in you

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SafeShare, dat in 2009 als bètaversie werd gelanceerd, heeft aan populariteit gewonnen als de veiligste manier om YouTube- en Vimeo-video's te bekijken en te delen en wordt wereldwijd veel gebruikt door opvoeders zodat hun leerlingen educatief materiaal kunnen bekijken zonder bang te hoeven zijn dat er ongepaste video's opduiken.

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.