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Clap Our Syllables | Jack Hartmann | Syllables Song

Jefferson Matthews Aan May 11 2023
104 keer bekeken

Clap Our Syllables by Jack Hartmann is a fun, engaging way to learn about syllables. Students will clap up high for one syllable words, clap left to right for two syllable words and clap high, in the middle and low for 3 syllable words. Actively engage your students as they build body and brain connections while learning about counting syllables. It's fun learning syllables as you stand up and clap out the syllables with Jack Hartmann. Clap Our Syllables Lyrics Come on everybody Let's Clap Our Syllables all around Give me one clap down low One clap up high One clap to the left One clap to the right Then clap in a circle Then clap in the middle Let's clap all over And clap our syllables Clap up high one syllable words Dog Cat love Mouse Clap left and right two syllable words Rainbow Rain-bow playground play-ground sidewalk side-walk people peo-ple Clap high, middle, low to three syllable words manatee man-a-tee elephant el-e-phant spaghetti spa-ghet-ti wonderful won-der-ful Give me

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