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What's so special about Viking ships? - Jan Bill

Stephanie Mundt Aan January 05 2021
202 keer bekeken

Explore the history and technology of Viking longships, which helped the Scandinavians conquer trade routes and new territories. -- As the Roman Empire flourished, Scandinavians had small settlements and no central government. Yet by the 11th century, they had spread far from Scandinavia, gaining control of trade routes throughout Europe, conquering kingdoms as far as Africa, and building outposts in North America. What was the secret to their success? Jan Bill dives into the history of the formidable Viking longship. Lesson by Jan Bill, directed by TOTEM Studio. Animator's website: Sign up for our newsletter: Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter: Peep us on Instagram: View full lesson: Thank you so much to our pat

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