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Reindeer for Kids | Caribou | Wild Animals | Arctic Animals

hlopez Aan October 15 2020
8,506 keer bekeken

Reindeer are a species of deer that live way up close to the North Pole, where it’s very cold. Reindeer actually go by two different names. In North America, wild reindeer are called CARIBOU. In Northern Europe and Asia, they are called REINDEER. But when caribou become domesticated in North America, that is, kept in herds by people, we call them reindeer again. Some scientists think the reindeer was one of the first domesticated animals - way back around 2000 years ago. Some people who live in the Arctic still depend on reindeer for meat, milk, clothing, and even transportation. You’ve heard of Santa’s sleigh, right? That’s the idea. In this video, you'll learn all about Reindeer and how they are specially adapted to live in the cold. We'll show you how you can tell the difference between reindeer and other deer - it's all about the antlers! Many people associate reindeer with Christmas. Legend tells of a very kind man named Santa Claus who has a magical sleigh, pulled by a team o

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