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Cookie Monster Practices Self-Regulation | Life Kit Parenting | NPR

Katrina MacWhorter op August 21 2020
181 Weergaven

Cookie Monster joins NPR's Life Kit Parenting Podcast to talk about practicing self-control, especially when you have to wait for something you really want... like a plate of delicious chocolate chip cookies. • Read more about the story at • Listen to the podcast at ------------------------------------------------------ Follow NPR elsewhere, too: • Twitter: • Facebook: • Instagram: • Tumblr: • Snapchat: ABOUT NPR NPR connects to audiences on the air, on demand, online, and in person. More than 26 million radio listeners tune in to NPR stations each week and more than 36 million unique visitors access each month making NPR one of the most trusted sources of news and insights on life and the arts. NPR is also the leading publisher of podcasts, with 36 original shows and an average of 4 milli

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