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Pepper and Water | Science Experiments for kids | Pepper and soap trick

mccann.beth op April 14 2020
561 Weergaven

Pepper and Water | Science Experiments for kids | Pepper and soap trickEver tried a magic trick at home?? This is a magic trick that you can easily master if you understand the concept of surface tension. For this You'll need:• Liquid dish washer gel• Water• Bowl• Grounded black pepperProcedure:• Take the bowl and fill it with water • Sprinkle some pepper over the water • Dip your finger into it and observe. Nothing will happen to the pepper present in the bowl.• Now, put some liquid dish washer gel on to your finger• Now slowly dip the finger with the gel into the bowl in the center• You'll notice that the pepper which is sprinkled over the water moves away from the finger and rushes back to the outer edge of the bowl.Explanation: The pepper floats on the top of water due to surface tension of the water. The surface tension pulls the top of the water together like a skin, so the water bulges up a bit. Surface tension is the result of the strong attraction between molecules in a liqui

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