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Tour the States - Official Music Video

Janice Sullivan Aan March 05 2020
466 keer bekeken

Buy the poster here: Download the karaoke version of the song here: Download the video and song with words here: This will allow you to legally use the video and song for personal and non-profit use, even if you aren't in a spot with internet! Buy the Tour the World Poster here: Music by Renald Francoeur, Drawing by Craighton Berman, Video by Don Markus, Produced by Scott Brown, Video Editor Brad Taylor. "Tour the States" is track #1 from Brain Beats - the mnemonic CD that features 14 brilliantly catchy songs to help you remember things you've always wanted to learn, but couldn't. Want the map in the video? It's here! Visit to get your copy today. © 2012 Marbles: Brain Workshop

Over SafeShare

SafeShare werd in 2009 als bètaversie gelanceerd en is populair geworden als de veiligste manier om YouTube- en Vimeo-video's te bekijken en te delen, en wordt over de hele wereld door docenten gebruikt, zodat hun leerlingen educatief materiaal kunnen bekijken zonder bang te hoeven zijn voor ongepaste video's. komen opdagen.

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