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Magic e | Super Phonics | Pinkfong Songs for Children

mkernest op March 03 2018
1,619 Weergaven

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. ★ YouTube Channel: Start building basic reading and writing skills with "Pinkfong Super Phonics Songs!" While our previous series ABC Alphabet Songs was all about learning sounds and shapes of each letter, Super Phonics is the next step for learning how to recognize sounds and spellings with rhyming words. You are watching "Magic e", a super fun phonics song created by Pinkfong. ---- ★ Lyrics Magic e Can cane. Plan plane. Magic e, magic e! Cap cape. Tap tape. Magic e, magic e! Fin fine. Pin Pine. Magic e, magic e! Bit bite. Kit kite. Magic e, magic e! Hop hope. Not note. Magic e, magic e! Cub cube. Hug huge. Magic e, magic e! ---- Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more! Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 m

Over SafeShare

SafeShare, dat in 2009 als bètaversie werd gelanceerd, heeft aan populariteit gewonnen als de veiligste manier om YouTube- en Vimeo-video's te bekijken en te delen en wordt wereldwijd veel gebruikt door opvoeders zodat hun leerlingen educatief materiaal kunnen bekijken zonder bang te hoeven zijn dat er ongepaste video's opduiken.

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