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Heat Conductivity – Spoon Test

madiha_murshed Aan June 27 2023
387 keer bekeken

#heat #thermalenergy #conductivity #ngscience Observe how three spoons of different materials are different in their heat conductivity. Thermal Conductivity When an object is heated, thermal energy moves from hot to cold. This occurs as the particles within the object collide. In order for heat to move from one region to another, it must pass through all of the particles in between. The time it takes for this to occur is different in different materials and different states of matter. The ability of a material or matter to transfer thermal energy is called thermal conductivity. Some materials allow heat to pass through them more easily than others. Materials that allow heat to pass through them easily are called good conductors of heat. The metal used to make the pot is a good conductor of heat. It allows heat to flow easily from the hotplate to the food. Materials that do not allow heat to pass through them easily are called poor conductors of heat, or heat insulators. The plastic

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