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The real Jane Austen 2-8

176 keer bekeken

A BBC documentary produced in 2002 and directed by Nicky Patterson. The narrator Anne Chancellor is related to Jane Austen herself and played the part of Caroline Bingley in BBC' s "Pride and Prejudice" (1995). This video was up until recently in user's "inmypooropinion" channel which was closed. The only reason I upload it is because it was a favorite with some people. But, as I recognize the effort and time to prepare a video, I felt that I should give my due to "inmypooropinion" and in c

Over SafeShare

SafeShare werd in 2009 als bètaversie gelanceerd en is populair geworden als de veiligste manier om YouTube- en Vimeo-video's te bekijken en te delen, en wordt over de hele wereld door docenten gebruikt, zodat hun leerlingen educatief materiaal kunnen bekijken zonder bang te hoeven zijn voor ongepaste video's. komen opdagen.

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