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God and Grain: The French Revolution, Part I

mtimerson el December 19 2017
409 Vistas

Designed by the amazing Karen Kavett: In which John discusses the causes of the French Revolution and its initial events, including the French debt crisis under King Louis XVI, the convocation of the estates general, the rise of the third estate, the formation of the National Assembly, the tennis court oath at Versailles, the storming of the Bastille, the women's march, and the moving of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to Paris. This is part of a four-video series designed to see whether we can make genuinely educational videos--the kind of videos that could actually help people learn the big and important things they have to learn in school. Nerdfighters gave us permission to make the videos longer than four minutes, punishment. Let us know how we're doing. HERE ARE A LOT OF LINKS TO NERDFIGHTASTIC THINGS: Shirts and Stuff: Hank's Music: John's Books: http:

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.