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Understanding Feelings for Middle School Students : Tips for Self-Awareness & Emotional Control

Jessica Cassity el September 16 2024
34 Vistas

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention on purpose to the present moment, without judging or trying to change your experience. The practice of mindfulness can help teens to increase their self-awareness, self-control, and attention. It can also reduce their emotional suffering and increase compassion for themselves and others. Practicing mindfulness allows teens to see reality more accurately and without judgement. Regular practice will help to foster an increased sense of well-being for your child. Summary of KEY POINTS in this video. • Mindfulness is an ongoing practice, just like daily physical exercise. • There are three mindfulness skills to focus on with your teen: • Observe: Notice, without words, what is going on in the environment or in their body • Describe: Name what they notice using descriptive and non- judgmental language • Participate: Throw themselves fully into an activity or experience --- The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project is series of free, evidence-based video and print resources that caregivers and educators can use to teach their kids critical mental health and coping skills. The project was born of an innovative partnership between the state of California and the Child Mind Institute.

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