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How to Study for Exams [Even If You're Freaking Out at the Last Minute]

Alison Cabello el January 10 2024
112 Vistas

How to study for exams, especially if it's the night before and you're freaking out. Awesome exam prep (particularly if you’re cramming) starts with a strategic plan - NOT study skills. This video explains the 6 steps for strategic exam preparation so you know where to focus your time and effort. Whether you're cramming for an exam tomorrow or you're super organized and you're preparing three months in advance, you'll follow the same steps. That's the sign of a solid strategy. Once you have the strategy in place, then it's time for tactics. That's when you should use the top 6 study skills recommended by academic research - For more details about preparing for different types of exam questions, grab the free download at - And to discover how to do 5 hours of study in 30 minutes or less, check out ---------------------------------------------------- Visit Memorize Academy at or join us on Facebook at

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