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Clap It Out - Learn Syllables | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle

Jessica Cassity في July 18 2024
170 المشاهدات

Sing, dance, and clap out all the syllables in this catchy song. Lyrics Syllables, S - s- Syllables They're what you get when you take apart a word We'd be miserable without syllables! They're what you get when you take apart a word Count count count some syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! This is how you rock with syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! Mice! MICE! Bake! BAKE! Cheese! CHEESE! Cakes! CAKES! Put it all together now! Mice - bake - cheese - cakes! One More Time! MICE - BAKE - CHEESE - CAKES! Syllables, S - s- Syllables They're what you get when you take apart a word We'd be miserable without syllables! They're what you get when you take apart a word Count count count some syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! This is how you rock with syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! 2 syllables…let’s do it! Awesome AWE-SOME! Hamster HAM-STER Birthday BIRTH-DAY! Party PAR-TY!! Put it all together now! AWESOME HAMSTER BIRTHDAY PARTY! One more time! AWESOME HAMSTER BIRTHDAY PARTY! Syllables, S - s- Syllables They're what you get when you take apart a word We'd be miserable without syllables! They're what you get when you take apart a word Count count count some syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! This is how you rock with syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! 3 syllables…Let’s go! Chimpanzee CHIM-PAN-ZEE! Volunteers VOL-UN-TEERS! Inspecting IN-SPECT-ING! Chandeliers CHAND-E-LIERS! Put it all together now! CHIMPANZEE. VOLUNTEERS. INSPECTING. CHANDELIERS! One more time! CHIMPANZEE. VOLUNTEERS. INSPECTING. CHANDELIERS! Syllables, S - s- Syllables They're what you get when you take apart a word We'd be miserable without syllables! They're what you get when you take apart a word Count count count some syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! This is how you rock with syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! Four syllables…get complex! Invisible ALL: IN-VIS-I-BLE! Alligator ALL-I-GA-TORS! Appreciate! A -PPRE-CI-ATE! Calculators CAL-CU-LA-TORS! Put it all together now: INVISIBLE! - ALLIGATORS! - APPRECIATE! - CALCULATORS! One more time! INVISIBLE! - ALLIGATORS! - APPRECIATE! - CALCULATORS! Syllables, S - s- Syllables They're what you get when you take apart a word We'd be miserable without syllables! They're what you get when you take apart a word Count count count some syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! This is how you rock with syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! Five syllables…blow it up! Vegetarian VEG-E-TAR-I-AN! Hippopotomus HIP-PO-POT-A-MUS! Evaluating E-VAL-U-AT-ING! Potato-Salad PO-TA-TO-SAL-AD! Put it all together now! VEGETARIAN - HIPPOPOTAMUS - EVALUATING - POTATO-SALAD! One more time! VEGETARIAN - HIPPOPOTAMUS - EVALUATING - POTATO-SALAD! Syllables, S - s- Syllables They're what you get when you take apart a word We'd be miserable without syllables! They're what you get when you take apart a word Count count count some syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! This is how you rock with syllables! Clap it out! (clapping) CLAP IT OUT! Clap It Out - Learn Syllables | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle

عن SafeShare

تم إطلاقه كنسخة تجريبية بيتا في عام 2009، حصل SafeShare على شعبية كبيرة كأمن طريقة لمشاهدة ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو على YouTube و Vimeo، ويتم استخدامه على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم من قبل المعلمين حتى يتمكن طلابهم من مشاهدة المواد التعليمية دون الخوف من ظهور مقاطع الفيديو غير المناسبة.

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