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Sensory Brain Breaks - Kids Mindfulness - Calm Square Breathing with Koala

tritterband في March 09 2022
359 المشاهدات

Perfect for teachers and parents, GriffinOT's sensory diet calm brain breaks will help children to re-organise and focus. Koala teaches children different breathing patterns to help them to stop, breathe and think. The videos can be used in the classroom or at home. These animations are perfect to be used as a part of a sensory diet for pre-schools and school aged children who need to calm and focus. If you want to learn more about sensory processing and the impact it can have in the classroom, then join our online sensory training! If you want to learn more here's a few of our website links: Using Sensory Diets Successfully - Including Free Printable Cards Tips for Successful Movement Breaks Supporting Regulation in the Classroom

عن SafeShare

تم إطلاقه كنسخة تجريبية بيتا في عام 2009، حصل SafeShare على شعبية كبيرة كأمن طريقة لمشاهدة ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو على YouTube و Vimeo، ويتم استخدامه على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم من قبل المعلمين حتى يتمكن طلابهم من مشاهدة المواد التعليمية دون الخوف من ظهور مقاطع الفيديو غير المناسبة.

عنوان الإشعار
Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.