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September | Calendar Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

Amy Kincaid في August 29 2021
1,549 المشاهدات

This September calendar song celebrates the month of September. Learn that September has 30 days, the season of summer ends and the season of fall begins, we celebrate our labor work force on Labor Day the first Monday of the month. Learn that in the month of September the days get shorter. Have fun with this calendar song for the month of September. Lyric September, September has 30 days September, September, fall is on the way S-e-p-t-e-m-b-e-r S-e-p-t-e-m-b-e-r September, September has 30 days September, September fall is on the way Let's learn more about September together with your friends Whatever I say You say September at the end What month starts with the letter S September What month comes after August September What month do the days get shorter September What month starts the fall season September And don't forget Labor Day on the very first Monday We celebrate all people who work hard everyday September, September has 30 days September, September fall is on the way Se

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