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Four Seasons Song | Jack Hartmann

Amy Kincaid في August 29 2021
5,866 المشاهدات

Learn about the four seasons with Jack Hartmann. Find out there are 4 seasons in a year, the names of the seasons are winter, spring, summer and fall and find out about the special characteristics of each season in this four seasons song by Jack Hartmann. Lyrics Let's sing the four seasons song Winter, spring, summer, fall Each year has 4 seasons in all Winter, spring, summer, fall In winter you can feel the weather change and get cold In winter there are places you can play in the snow In winter days are shorter with less sunlight In winter nights are longer with the stars shining bright In winter you can feel the weather change and get cold In winter there are places you can play in the snow In winter days are shorter with less sunlight In winter nights are longer with the stars shining bright Let's sing the four seasons song Winter, spring, summer, fall Each year has 4 seasons in all Winter, spring, summer, fall In spring you can feel the weather change and get warm In sprin

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