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The Months of the Year Rap | Jack Hartmann

hanifa abdala في April 15 2021
1,870 المشاهدات

Learn the months of the year with Jack Hartmann's Months of the Year Rap. Learn the months and their syllables by clapping along to this fun months of the year song. Lyrics Hey kids let's rap our months of the year Say it cool and rap it clear January February March April May June July August September has 30 days October November And remember The last month of the year is December Now clap your hands just like I do Clap to the syllables and feel the groove Jan-u-ar-y Feb-ru-ar-y March A-pril May June Ju-ly Au-gust Sep-tem-ber Oc-to-ber No-vem-ber De-cem-ber January February March April May June July August September has 30 days October November And remember The last month of the year is December Now clap your hands just like I do Clap to the syllables and feel the groove Jan-u-ar-y Feb-ru-ar-y March A-pril May June Ju-ly Au-gust Sep-tem-ber Oc-to-ber No-vem-ber De-cem-ber January February March April May June July August September has 30 days October November And

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