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Holiday Dance and Freeze | Holiday Brain Break for Kids | Jack Hartmann Fre

Becky Riedinger في December 07 2020
247 المشاهدات

Holiday Dance and Freeze will have students using their listening skills as they dance along with the holiday characters and then freeze. This is a fun holiday freeze dance song that will engage students while they dance along and listen when to freeze. This is a holiday song fun freeze song. LYRICS Holiday Dance and Freeze Everybody dance, it’s holiday time All around the world Everybody dance, it’s holiday time For every boy and girl So feel the beat and have some fun Dance along with me And do some cool moves, get in the groove Do the Holiday Dance and Freeze Do the disco, do the disco At the Holiday Dance and Freeze Do the dab, do the dab At the Holiday Dance and Freeze Do the floss, do the floss At the Holiday Dance and Freeze Do the dinosaur, do the dinosaur At the Holiday Dance and Freeze Everybody dance, it’s holiday time All around the world And do some cool moves, get in the groove Do the Holiday Dance and Freeze Do the choo-choo, do the choo-choo At the Holiday

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عنوان الإشعار
Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.