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Cursive Handwriting: How to Write the Alphabet

Mrs May في November 08 2020
483 المشاهدات

This is a cursive writing demonstration video showing how to write the letters of the alphabet in their precursive form, which will support your cursive (joined) handwriting. It models how to write the letters of the alphabet using pre-cursive script. Cursive handwriting is commonly taught in schools across the world. It can be difficult to master but this cursive writing support video shows how each letter is formed using the pre-cursive script I use in my school. When using cursive handwriting, each letter starts on the line with a 'lead in' and ends with a 'flick' or lead out. I hope this video helps you teach children to use cursive handwriting or cursive writing for yourself. Use it to demonstrate how the letters of the alphabet are written using pre-cursive letter formation. *NEW* Pre-cursive handwriting videos for every letter of the alphabet, with oral prompts below: I have created listening games,

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عنوان الإشعار
Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.