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Arachnids | Educational Video for Kids

hlopez في October 07 2020
10,856 المشاهدات

Did you know that arachnids aren't only spiders? There's so many more animals! Today, we're meeting some of the scariest animals on the planet... Arachnids! 👉SUBSCRIBE TO HAPPY LEARNING! 👉Web site: 👉Follow us on Facebook: Recommended video: Interesting facts about reptiles Hello friends! Welcome to a new Happy Learning video. Today, we’re going to meet animals that have eight legs, and are a little scary! Today, we’re going to meet.. arachnids! Same as insects, arachnids are invertebrates and belong to the arthropods. But don’t get confused! Arachnids are part of a different animal group than insects, while insects have six legs, arachnids have eight! Like you can see in these images. Spiders, scorpions and dust mites are part of the arachnid family, and share a number of characteristics that we need to know. They have four pa

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.