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Galapagos Islands National Geographic Expeditions | (Ecuador) Our Awesome Planet Vlog (Part I)

staci.coller في May 03 2020
218 المشاهدات

Galapagos Islands National Geographic Expeditions | (Ecuador) Our Awesome Planet. Todd and Tuliyani head out to the Galapagos with National Geographic on one of their ships, the Endeavor II. The first few days are filled with activities and getting to know what the Galapagos can offer. They visit the islands of San Cristobal, Española, Floreana, and Santa Cruz. Welcome to the Galapagos, an archipelago full of unique biota and rare animals. These islands are a part of Ecuador and located about 1000 km outside of South America. Darwin made the Galapagos famous when he stepped foot onto its shores and developed his theory of natural selection, changing the way we understand evolution.On the Islands of the Galapagos live several fearless animals who have never known any predators. To preserve their innocence, it is important to save the environment that the animals live in and the best way to do so is to educate the world about such a rare location.

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