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The Story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Kid President

Amy Kincaid في January 06 2020
778 المشاهدات

Once upon a time, there was a man named Martin Luther King, Jr. He taught us that things won't always be awesome, but your response can be. Remember, things don't always have to be they are. We can change them! Kids can change them. This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, celebrate the promise of change with Kid President. // Share on Facebook: // Share on Twitter: Kid President's Guide to Being Awesome comes out Feb. 3rd. Pre-order here: How will you #BookItForward? What story has inspired your life? Help us get 10,000 people to gift someone a book they love! Kid President is Brad Montague (guy who makes all this stuff) and Robby Novak (Kid President). Follow their adventures: Twitter: Facebook: Music: - "Sun (Instrumental)" by Sleeping at Last - "Spring Cleaning Song 2" by Anders Göransson GET MORE FROM SOULPANCAKE: SUBSCRIBE for new vi

عن SafeShare

تم إطلاقه كنسخة تجريبية بيتا في عام 2009، حصل SafeShare على شعبية كبيرة كأمن طريقة لمشاهدة ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو على YouTube و Vimeo، ويتم استخدامه على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم من قبل المعلمين حتى يتمكن طلابهم من مشاهدة المواد التعليمية دون الخوف من ظهور مقاطع الفيديو غير المناسبة.

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.