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Potential and Kinetic Energy | #aumsum

MARY SMITH في September 16 2019
433 المشاهدات

Energy can neither be created nor it can be destroyed. Energy can only be converted from one form to another. The unit of energy is joules. Energy can broadly be classified as potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the energy in a body due to its position. While kinetic energy is the energy in a body due to its motion. The formula for potential energy is mgh, where m stands for mass, g stands for gravitational acceleration and h stands for height. Now, let us calculate the potential energy possessed by a boy who is at the top of a tree assuming that his mass is 30 kg, gravitational acceleration is 9.8 meters per second squared and height is 20 meters. Using the formula of potential energy, we can say that the potential energy possessed by is 5880 joules. However, when the boy begins to fall his potential energy starts getting converted into kinetic energy. Just before he lands, all his potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy. The formula to calculate kin

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