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Silent E | Phonics Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

abcswithmrsg في March 14 2019
991 المشاهدات

Silent e song. This song about silent e teaches that silent e at the end of a word makes the vowel before it say the long vowel sound while the e remains silent. The silent e song can help your students learn how an e at the end of a word causes the vowel to make a long sound. Sing along as we give you examples for each of the vowel sounds as silent e changes the word and has the vowel say the long vowel sound while silent e stays silent. Silent e jumps over a consonant to help the vowel say its own name. Lyrics Silent e, silent e Come on and learn with me Silent e, silent e Will help you write and read Silent e When silent e is at the end of some words It's called silent e when it can't be heard Silent e jumps one consonant back to the vowel And tells it to say the long vowel sound Here's the word at A says ă Add silent e to the end of the word Now you have ate A says ā Silent e Here's the word pet E says ĕ Add silent e to the end of the word Now you have Pete E says ē Silent

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.