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The Water Cycle | Educational Video for Kids

nalopez2213 في February 28 2019
305,326 المشاهدات

Hello friends, and welcome to another new Happy Learning video. Today we will learn about the water cycle. Earth, which is the planet we live on, is known as the Blue planet because as much as 3/4 of the planet's surface is ...water! And water is so very important because without it, there would be no life. Without it, theses sweet little otters wouldn't exist, or theses playful bears, nor this conceited bird, or even us, the human beings. That's why we must look after it. We should conserve our water well and most of all, we must maintain our rivers and oceans clean. Did you know water never stands still, but is always in constant movement, even though at times it doesn't seem like it? This water movement is what is called the Water cycle. Now let's learn more about it. When the sun warms the water on the Earth's surface, it evaporates, converting itself into water vapor or steam and begins its incredible journey flying into the sky, up towards the atmosphere. This first stage of its

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.