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Harpsichord 101 - How It Works

Michelle في December 03 2018
348 المشاهدات

I describe how both of my harpsichords work and demonstrate the stops. A close look at the inside. I'd be glad to try to answer any questions you have. Thank you to everyone for your positive feedback. I'm really glad I made this video. FAQ: What is the piece/"song" you play at?: 3:11 - 4:12 Bach. Lament from the Capriccio on the Departure of His Favorite Brother. I have a video where I play this. 4:52 - Bach. Prelude from the Partita in C minor. BWV 997. 7:17 - 7:42 Scarlatti Sonata in E Major. K. 380 10:06 - Bach. Prelude in C major from the Well Tempered Clavier. BWV 846 How old are these and who built them? They are both from the workshop on William Dowd (Boston) and were both made in 1967. What are the strings made of? Iron and the deeper strings are brass. How often do the strings break or need to be replaced? Since my fingers don't touch the strings (unlike the guitar), the strings can last for a long time (decades). I have only ever broken one string and that comes fro

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.