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Subitize Rock (soo-bi-tize) | Math Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

677 المشاهدات

Subitize to 10. Subitize is the ability to tell the number of objects in a set, quickly, without counting. Subitizing develops math fluency, when students recognize sets without having to count each object and it helps develop number sense and the ability to perform mental math. Name the numbers in each set of dots, ten frames and fingers. This version of Subitize Rock does not show the numerals after each set. Lyrics Subitize, subitize Use your brain Use your eyes See a set, then think quick Say the number in the set (Say the number of dots in each set) Subitize, subitize Use your brain Use your eyes See a set, then think quick Say the number in the set (Say the number in the ten frames) Subitize, subitize Use your brain Use your eyes See a set, then think quick Say the number in the set (Say the number of fingers) Subitize, subitize Use your brain Use your eyes See a set, then think quick Say the number in the set Jack Hartmann's website: Remember to c

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Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.