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Los Colores: The Colors in Spanish Song by Risas y Sonrisas Spanish for Kid

Becky Klassen في August 02 2018
360 المشاهدات

How fun and easy the colors in Spanish! Please check our website for materials and more activities to link with our videos at The music in this video is just one of the elements used in the Spanish for Kids curriculum. Make sure to activate the vocabulary with games, movement (sign & sing) and practical conversations. There are 21 Spanish-Speaking countries in the world. The language structure is the same in all 21, and they all understand each other perfectly well. In countries that speak the same language, there are a few words that vary from one country to the other, just like it is in English from UK, United States or Australia. Personally, I don't believe that English from UK is better than English from United States, or Spanish from Spain is better that Spanish from Mexico. There are only very few words that are different. PLEASE don't give so much importance to these word variations when you're teaching languages. If anything, use this great o

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