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Ramayana : Story of Diwali | Mocomi Kids

Vivek da في October 12 2017
1,262 المشاهدات presents: Ramayana- The Story of Diwali Diwali is a festival of joy and prosperity, and a celebration of the victory of good over evil. This is the story of Ram and Ravan. A story related to this festival. Ramayana is the story of Lord Rama rescuing his wife Sita from the Demon King Ravana with his brother Lakshmana and an extraordinary monkey possessing special powers called Hanumana. On Lord Rama’s return after a fourteen year exile Diwali was celebrated for the first time. Among the many mythological stories related to the festival of Diwali, is the story of Ram and Ravana, the classic story of the victory of good over evil. Watch this video to know about the Ramayana- the story of Ram and Ravana, and the reason why Diwali is celebrated. Diwali is a festival of joy and prosperity, and a celebration of the victory of good over evil. This is the story of Ram and Ravan. A story related to this festival. Thousands of years ago, in the city of Ayodhya, there wa

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