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The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk - Fairy Tales for Kids

935 المشاهدات

Jack and the Beanstalk Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack who lived with his poor widowed mother. They had sold almost everything they owned to buy food. When their last cow stopped giving milk, Jack’s mother sent him to town to sell it. On the way to town Jack met a strange fellow who told him stories of magic beans. “Where can I buy some of these magic beans for my mother?” asked Jack. “I have the last five magic beans and I will sell them to you because you are a good boy

عن SafeShare

تم إطلاقه كنسخة تجريبية بيتا في عام 2009، حصل SafeShare على شعبية كبيرة كأمن طريقة لمشاهدة ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو على YouTube و Vimeo، ويتم استخدامه على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم من قبل المعلمين حتى يتمكن طلابهم من مشاهدة المواد التعليمية دون الخوف من ظهور مقاطع الفيديو غير المناسبة.

عنوان الإشعار
Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.