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The Pope Video 03 -2017- Support for Persecuted Christians – March 2017

511 المشاهدات

March 2017. The Pope Video. In many parts of the world, there are Christians who are persecuted simply because of the fact that they are Christians. They need not only our material help but also our prayer. Let us join with the Pope in praying for persecuted Christians. “How many people are being persecuted because of their faith, forced to abandon their homes, their places of worship, their lands, their loved ones! They are persecuted and killed because they are Christians. Those who perse

عن SafeShare

تم إطلاقه كنسخة تجريبية بيتا في عام 2009، حصل SafeShare على شعبية كبيرة كأمن طريقة لمشاهدة ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو على YouTube و Vimeo، ويتم استخدامه على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم من قبل المعلمين حتى يتمكن طلابهم من مشاهدة المواد التعليمية دون الخوف من ظهور مقاطع الفيديو غير المناسبة.

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