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It Was on a Starry Night with Makaton - Singing Hands

kleigh في November 20 2023
325 المشاهدات

We love signing this song - it's a Christmas school concert classic! It's got a lovely pace for signing and features so many signs for the festive season. Here are the lyrics with Makaton sign transcription - please note that we have used the alternative sign for MANGER which we thought was simpler than the usual one we use: It was on a starry night (STAR / NIGHT) When the hills were bright (HILL / BRIGHT *GLOW) Earth lay sleeping, sleeping calm and still (WORLD / SLEEP / CALM / QUIET) Then in a cattle shed (COW / STABLE) In a manger bed (MANGER / BED) A boy was born, King of all the world (BOY / BORN / KING / ALL / WORLD) And all the angels sang for Him (ANGEL / SING) The bells of heaven rang for Him (CHURCH BELLS / HEAVEN) For a boy was born, King of all the world (BOY / BORN / KING / ALL / WORLD) And all the angels sang for Him (ANGEL / SING) The bells of heaven rang for Him (CHURCH BELLS / HEAVEN) For a boy was born, King of all the world (BOY / BORN / KING / ALL / WORLD) Soon the shepherds came that way (SHEPHERD / CAME) Where the baby lay (BABY / LIE DOWN) And were kneeling, kneeling by His side (KNEEL / NEAR) And their hearts believed again (HEART / BELIEVE / AGAIN) For the peace of men (PEACE / MEN) For a boy was born, King of all the world (BOY / BORN / KING / ALL / WORLD) And all the angels sang for Him (ANGEL / SING) The bells of heaven rang for Him (CHURCH BELLS / HEAVEN) For a boy was born, King of all the world (BOY / BORN / KING / ALL / WORLD) And all the angels sang for Him (ANGEL / SING) The bells of heaven rang for Him (CHURCH BELLS / HEAVEN) For a boy was born, King of all the world (BOY / BORN / KING / ALL / WORLD) Remember to download this track from your preferred music provider - links to the song details are listed below. Don't forget to press SUBSCRIBE to our channel so you get to find out about all our latest uploads :) For more information about Singing Hands, please visit: / email us [email protected] Or come and join us: - Makaton Christmas song - Makaton songs for adults - Makaton songs for schools - Makaton choir - Makaton singing and signing

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