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Handel 1740 L'Allegro Il Penseroso ed Il Moderato Oratorio HWV 55 Willi

Ryan Smith في August 28 2023
276 المشاهدات

George Frideric Handel [Georg Friedrich Händel] L'Allegro Il Penseroso ed Il Moderato, ("The Cheerful, the Thoughtful, and the Moderate Man"), Oratorio (Patoral Ode) HWV 55, from John Milton's poems Les Arts Florissants conducted by William Christie Rachel Redmond (soprano), James Way (tenor), Sreten Manojlović (bass-baritone), Benedikt Forstner (soloist of the St. Florian Boys‘ Choir, descant) 0:00:00 L'Allegro, the Cheerful man 0:49:26 Il Pensieroso, the Thoughtful man 1:25:12 Il Moderato, the Moderate Man 1:35:49 aria and chorus, "As Steals the Morn", Shakespeare's The Tempest, V.i.65–68.

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