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Liberty's Kids HD 102 - Intolerable Acts (Pilot,Part II) | History Videos F

Sarah Garcia في January 13 2020
2,532 المشاهدات

Liberty's Kids - Intolerable Acts Subscribe to Liberty's Kids : In response to the Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament passes the “Intolerable Acts,” including "quartering." Boston becomes an occupied city. In England, Ben Franklin faces charges of treason. Moses, James, Sarah and Henri hide at poet Phillis Wheatley’s house in Boston, where some of His Majesty’s soldiers are being quartered. Benjamin Franklin enlists the help of young people to record the happenings leading up to and during the Revolution for his newspaper the Pennsylvania Gazette. First, there is a James Hiller, a patriot who tends to act before he thinks and is, at times, too quick a judge in his search for American heroes. Next is Henri, a French orphan who's only quest is for food. Lastly, a young woman named Sarah Phillips joins the team; the daughter of an ex-English general with strong views opposing slavery. Together, they travel the colonies witnessing the sacrifices made for fre

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